Stelle dein Durchhaltevermögen unter Beweis und gewinne Spezialbelohnungen und Titel, in dem du im Grand Prix von KartRider: Drift die besten Rennfahrer der Welt herausforderst!
Über den Grand Prix
Der Grand Prix ist ein saisonaler Rankingmodus, in dem du gegen andere Rennfahrerkollegen antrittst. Du kannst im Item-Grand-Prix und Tempo-Grand-Prix Rennen fahren und in beiden separat Fortschritt erzielen. Wenn du im Grand Prix antrittst, verdienst du je nach Leistung Grand-Prix-Punkte, und je mehr GPP du hast, desto höher ist dein Rang – bis ganz hoch zu Großmeister I!
- Alle Grand-Prix-Rennfahrer müssen zunächst den B1-Führerschein verdienen, um den Modus freizuschalten.
- Im Grand Prix sind alle Fahrhilfe-Features für Rennfahrer deaktiviert.
- Gruppen-Wartezeit ist für den Grand Prix nicht verfügbar.
- Rankings werden täglich zwischen 12:00 und 1:00 Uhr UTC aktualisiert.
Du trittst natürlich nicht nur für Ruhm und Ehre an! Jeder Rennfahrer, der an mindestens 10 Grand-Prix-Rennen teilgenommen hat, wird zusätzliche Belohnungen verdienen, wenn die Saison endet. Und je höher dein Rang, desto besser die Belohnungen! Es gibt auch unterschiedliche Belohnungen für den Item- und auch den Tempo-Modus, also hol dir gleich beide!
Aber hör nicht auf, wenn du Großmeister geworden bist: Die Top-Rennfahrer verdienen Bonusabzeichen, und die Top 100 wird in der nächsten Saison in der Ruhmeshalle genannt.
Grand-Prix-Patch-Notes zu Saison 1
Season 1 Grand Prix:
- A new Game Mode, where Racers compete on a seasonal ladder and rank up to earn special prizes and fight for the top spot!
- Season 1 Grand Prix Duration:
- PST/PDT (UTC -8/-7): Wednesday, March 8, 2023 (End of Maintenance) - Wednesday, May 3, 2023 5:00 PM
- CET/CEST (UTC +1/+2): Thursday, March 9, 2023 (End of Maintenance) - Thursday, May 4, 2023 2:00 AM
- JST (UTC +9): Thursday, March 9, 2023 (End of Maintenance) - Thursday, May 4, 2023 9:00 AM
- AEDT/AEST (UTC +11/+10): Thursday, March 9, 2023 (End of Maintenance) - Thursday, May 4, 2023 10:00 AM
- Requirements: B1 License Earned
- Select [Change Mode - Grand Prix - Season 1 Item or Speed Grand Prix] in the lobby to queue for a match.
- "Item Grand Prix" and "Speed Grand Prix" progress separately, with different rewards available.
- Racers may only queue Solo for Grand Prix races.
- Rankings update daily between 12:00 AM and 1:00 AM UTC.
Season 1 Grand Prix Ranks:
- Your Grand Prix rank is determined by the number of Grand Prix Points (GPP) earned.
- Grand Prix Points are added or removed based on your performance in Grand Prix matches.
- Going on a winning streak will increase the amount of GPP earned!
- Note: Win Streak Bonuses do not apply to Grandmaster-rank and above.
- Grand Prix Ranks:
- 0 - 599 GPP: Bronze III
- 600 - 1,199 GPP: Bronze II
- 1,200 - 1,799 GPP: Bronze I
- 1,800 - 2,399 GPP: Silver III
- 2,400 - 2,999 GPP: Silver II
- 3,000 - 3,599 GPP: Silver I
- 3,600 - 4,199 GPP: Gold III
- 4,200 - 4,799 GPP: Gold II
- 4,800 - 5,399 GPP: Gold I
- 5,400 - 5,999 GPP: Master III
- 6,000 - 6,599 GPP: Master II
- 6,600 - 7,199 GPP: Master I
- 7,200 - 7,799 GPP: Grandmaster III
- 7,800 - 8,399 GPP: Grandmaster II
- 8,400 GPP and above: Grandmaster I
- You can display your Grand Prix rank as your Profile Image in the [Profile - Edit Profile - Grand Prix Ranks Display Setting] menu while in the Lobby.
Season 1 Grand Prix Rewards
- When the Grand Prix season ends, rewards will be distributed based on the Racer's place overall and their Grand Prix Rank.
- Note: Racers must Finish in at least 10 Grand Prix races to qualify for prizes.
- Rewards will be distributed 24 hours after the season's conclusion.
- Rewards must be claimed prior to the end of the following season, or will expire.
- Rewards can also be viewed in-game via the [Change Mode - Grand Prix - Item or Speed Grand Prix - Rewards] menu.
- Place Rewards:
- Item Grand Prix:
- 1st - 3rd Place: S1 Item Legend Emblem, and added to the Season Hall of Fame for the duration of the next season.
- 4th - 100th Place: S1 Item Hero Emblem, and added to the Season Hall of Fame for the duration of the next season.
- 101st - 1,000th Place: S1 Item Special Emblem.
- Speed Grand Prix:
- 1st - 3rd Place: S1 Speed Legend Emblem, and added to the Season Hall of Fame for the duration of the next season.
- 4th - 100th Place: S1 Speed Hero Emblem, and added to the Season Hall of Fame for the duration of the next season.
- 101st - 1,000th Place: S1 Speed Special Emblem.
- Item Grand Prix:
- Rank Rewards:
- Item Grandmaster:
- 1,000 K-COIN
- Spyglass Marid
- Assembly Line Tobi
- London Clocktower Decal
- Istanbul Prayer Decal
- Gangnam Style Decal
- Speed Grandmaster:
- 1,000 K-COIN
- Clockwork Classic kart
- Intelli-Kart Plus
- Pitapat New York Decal
- LA Party Decal
- Rio Passion Decal
- Item Master:
- Spyglass Marid
- Assembly Line Tobi
- London Clocktower Decal
- Istanbul Prayer Decal
- Gangnam Style Decal
- Speed Master:
- Clockwork Classic kart
- Intelli-Kart Plus
- Pitapat New York Decal
- LA Party Decal
- Rio Passion Decal
- Item Gold:
- Assembly Line Tobi
- Istanbul Prayer Decal
- Gangnam Style Decal
- Speed Gold:
- Intelli-Kart Plus
- Pitapat New York Decal
- LA Party Decal
- Item Silver:
- Gangnam Style Decal
- 5,000 Lucci
- Speed Silver:
- Pitapat New York Decal
- 5,000 Lucci
- Item Bronze:
- 3,000 Lucci
- Speed Bronze:
- 3,000 Lucci
- Item Grandmaster:
Season 1 Grand Prix Tracks:
- The following tracks will be used during Grand Prix Season 1.
- Note: Racers at Gold Rank or lower will not be matched onto 5-Star Difficulty tracks.
- Item Grand Prix Tracks:
- Mine: Mother Lode (★★★)
- Mine: Magma Cavern (★★★)
- Factory: Brodi's Gloom (★★★)
- Factory: Cogwheel Crush (★★★)
- Desert: Pharaoh's Pass (★★★)
- Forest: Mushroom Caves (★★)
- Desert: Sphinx's Riddle (★★)
- Forest: Rocky Roadway (★★)
- Glacier: Polar Halfpipe (★★)
- World Tour: Istanbul Sunset Plaza (★★)
- World Tour: Gangnam Streets (★★)
- World Tour: London Night (★★)
- Forest: Panda Village (★★)
- Desert: Abandoned Oasis (★)
- Desert: Dusty Bazaar (★)
- Forest: Lumberjack Lane (★)
- Glacier: Shark's Wake (★)
- Glacier: Icebreaker Pass (★)
- Speed Grand Prix Tracks:
- Desert: Construction Chaos (★★★★★)
- Glacier: Snowbound Slopes (★★★★★)
- Mine: Winding Slopes (★★★★★)
- Village: Boom Hill Tunnel (★★★★★)
- Factory: Facility 5 (★★★★★)
- Desert: Ancient Aqueducts (★★★★)
- Forest: Zigzag Timberland (★★★★)
- Glacier: Extreme Stadium (★★★★)
- Mine: Three Shortcuts (★★★★)
- World Tour: New York Rally (★★★★)
- World Tour: Rio de Ja-nitro (★★★★)
- World Tour: Terracotta Twister (★★★★)
- Forest: Log Leap (★★★)
- Mine: Rickety Rails (★★★)
- Mine: Gold Rush (★★★)
- World Tour Boostwood (★★★)
- Desert: Pharaoh's Pass (★★★)
- Village: Bayside Bridge Run (★★)